Two ITGS project examples which scored 7s

Back in mid-2012 I wrote about 5 of my students’ ITGS internal assessment projects which scored IB grade 7s. That post became the second most popular on this blog, viewed over 22,000 times as ITGS teachers and students looked for ITGS project examples that scored well with the IB moderators. At the time the internal assessment criteria were new (first exams 2012) and only one full ITGS project example was (and still is) provided by the IB.

Since then the requirements for the ITGS internal assessment have changed slightly (criterion E, criterion G, and the screencast requirement) but there are still no actual student example projects supplied by the IB.

With this in mind, today I have uploaded two more examples of ITGS projects which scored 7s – one excellent example of a database project and one very professional web site. Both scored 7s in the May 2013 exam session, and both feature very good screencasts which really demonstrate the work put into the projects.

Project example 1 – Alas Linares Database database was designed for a small accounting company here in El Salvador. The client’s problem was the lack of an appropriate filing system for her client information and appointments. One of the stand-out features of the database is the proficient use of forms to create a very friendly and efficient tabbed user interface. The project is also a good example of a project where the language of the client and the product is different from the student’s assessment language. Throughout the documentation, especially criterion E, the student makes sure that the Spanish language interface is clearly labeled for the English-speaking examiner.

You can view the student’s screencast below, or download PDF copies of each criteria and the database itself from my ITGS web site.

Project example 2 – Centro Biblico Cristiano website website project features one of the most professional looking websites I have seen created by any student. The layout, colours, and overall design reflect a great understanding of web development techniques, while addressing all of the client’s needs. It is even more impressive considering the student created this using a text editor – no web development tools like Dreamweaver were used. Attention to the small details – such as the copyright page and the use of meaningful file names for each page – really make this project stand out from the crowd.

You can view the student’s screencast below, view the website itself, or download PDF copies of each criteria from my ITGS web site.

Other grade 7 ITGS projects

Do you have examples of ITGS projects that have scored 7s? It would be great to link to them from here, especially if they have been sent to the IB for moderation.

Two ITGS project examples which scored 7s
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Two ITGS project examples which scored 7s
Here are two ITGS project examples - one excellent database project and one very professional web site. Both scored 7s in the May 2013 exam session.
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Stuart Gray
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