If you are completing a web site for your ITGS internal assessment, you and your client will probably need a web host and probably a domain name too. There are some free web hosts available (www.50webs.com seems popular), though I haven’t used any since the days of GeoCities, so I can’t comment on how good they are. Many web hosts offer a variety of functions including the ability to create database-backed websites, form custom email addresses, and integrate online shopping carts. However, most ITGS projects are unlikely to require such functionality, so the most basic packages, typically starting from a few dollars per month (and offering large discounts for 1 or 2 year subscriptions), will suffice.
Additionally, if the student’s client is a business it is likely they will prefer their own domain name (www.mybusiness.com) rather than a sub-domain of their host (mybusiness.50webs.com). I haven’t seen any free web hosting plans which will allow you to use your own domain name.
Below is are three different companies I use for web hosting. My experience with each one has been very positive. Why do I use three different companies? Each host has individual pros and cons, making my choice depend on the project.
Arvixe are a very well regarded web hosting company that I use to host a couple of my web sites. They offer unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth even on their personal class hosting, along with the ability to host up to six domains on a single personal account. PHP, MySQL, WordPress, and a host of other applications are available at no charge. At around $4 per month, this is extremely good value for money.
A company I use and recommend is NameCheap. They are a reliable company offering both domain names and web hosting (I use them for www.itgstextbook.com). Their hosting starts at just under $4 per month for a single year subscription and drops to under $3 per month for three year subscriptions. Their reputation make NameCheap a highly recommended option.
Another good company for both domain names and hosting is HostGator. Their web hosting plans starting at around $4/month with unlimited bandwidth, which is very reasonable. HostGator’s operation is 100% wind-powered, making it a much greener solution than some offerings. Their customer service is supposed to be excellent, though I have never needed to use it. Even better – you will get a $9.94 discount on hosting if you enter the code ITGSNEWSBLOG while purchasing! You don’t have to buy through this link, but if do I receive a small amount of compensation which helps pay for hosting this site and my ITGS textbook website (but not enough to buy a Lego Death Star).
NameCheap is indeed a good website hosting provider. I think they are doing such business since long time with very trust and reliable. For a beginner it's perfect choice is NameCheap web hosting.
Hmm, good allocation at all. Actually there are so many companies whom are providing web hosting services but I think among them finding out the right hosting company is the matter of bit wisdom and I think your suggestion will help readers. Thanks
Once I thought about things like: why such information is for free here? Because when you write a book then at least on selling a book you get a percentage. Thank you and good luck on informing people more about it!
web hosting reviews