3 ITGS news sites you might not know about

ITGS news article

Technology Review

Technology review focuses on emerging and future technologies. Though some of their articles are more science related, many make excellent articles for ITGS classroom discussion. Today their front page includes My So-Called Quantified Life (using iPods, mobile phones, and similar technologies to collect data about our daily routines), and A SIM Card for Domineering Parents (about a new mobile phone SIM card that allows parents control over their child’s phone) – both of which raise a range of ITGS social and ethical issues.

The Atlantic

The Atlantic’s technology articles often concentrate more on the philosophical side of IT, but there are still a good number of articles related to ITGS, such as Skulls, Lasers, and 3D Imaging Bring the Dead to Life, explaining how laser scanning technology is used to create 3D models of historical artefacts and even people.


Computerworld features a lot of articles which are directly related to ITGS, though I haven’t heard the site mentioned by many ITGS teachers. In addition to the latest IT news, Computerworld also includes editorial features that can help ITGS students understand technological developments that lead to a situation. Pocket marvels: 40 years of handheld computers, for example, charts the development of mobile computing.

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